Dark Angels


Since I bought a Dark Vengeance box, I have some DA models that I was going to give away but ended up assembling instead. My urge to collect kicked in again, and now I am planning a future Dark Angels army. I played around with some numbers and came up with the list below.

This list was built with the following in mind:
  1. to utilize my current models
  2. use models that I think are cool
  3. be relatively inexpensive to put together, as it is likely to be my quaternary force (after Grey Knights, Tyranids, and Chaos Space Marines... and maybe even quinary if I succumb to the Greater Good that is The Tau Empire...)

 2015 Update

Nothing to see here. I am currently focused on painting my Grey Knights and playing with my Tyranids. I AM planning on getting an Airbrush in 2015, and if all goes well, I feel my Dark Angels would be relatively well-suited to airbrushing. That said, I don't expect to revisit them in 2015, unless I use the models as a learning set to teach new people the game.

I was informed by people wiser than myself that my list has some technical glitches. Since I won't be doing any work on this army, I will leave the list as-is - by the time I actually get around to it, they would probably have a new Codex anyway!

Dark Angels Strike Force


Azrael.........................................................215 pts

Librarian......................................................65 pts
(Psyker Mastery 1, Bolt Pistol, Force Sword)


Deathwing Knights....................................235 pts
(1x Knight Master, 4x Deathwing Knights)

     Dedicated Transport: Land Raider/LRC/LRR
     (Deathwing Vehicle).............................280 pts


Deathwing Terminator Squad....................265 pts
(1x Cyclone Missile Launcher, 1x Assault Cannon, 1x Chainfist)

Tactical Squad............................................195 pts
(7x Bolter, 1x Plasmagun, 1x Plasma Cannon, Sergeant w/Plasma Pistol)


Ravenwing Attack Squadron......................244 pts
(1x Attack Bike w/ Multi-Melta, 2x Bolter, 2x Plasmagun, Veteran Sergeant w/ Power Sword)

TOTAL:                                                     1494 pts

Need to buy: 1x Deathwing Command Squad, 1x Land Raider, 2x Ravenwing Bikes, 1x Attack bike


  1. Hey mate,
    just stumbled over your blog. Really like your step by step for the Grey Knights.

    On the Dark Angels list (I'm an old time Dark Angels frak, so always looking for them out there):
    - the Death Terminator Squad can't field both an Assault cannon and a Cyclone Missile Launcher in a squad of 5. Yo either have to up the squad to 10 or drop one of the weapons.
    - you should consider swapping the Land Raider to the Deathwing Terminatos (from the Knights). This makes the Land Raider a Troops selection and therefor gets Objective secured. Other units, like the Knights, still can use it, they just have to hop on Turn 1.
    - the Ravenwing Attack Squadron is also a Troops selection, thanks to Azrael. So more Objective secured to you! :-)
    - What are your plans for Azrael and the Librarian? Right now they seem a bit lost. Sticking them to the Tactical Squad seems a bit of a waste of the potential (especially for Azrael).


    1. Hey, thanks for stopping by and the kind words! I just noticed this message today, one month late (I clearly need to learn to navigate the "new" gmail).

      Thanks for all your points, this list is a bit dated (I am so dug into my Grey Knights and Tyranids that I forget about half of these pages) so I should update them.

      Not sure what I would do with Azrael, I just tried to put a list together that utilized my Dark Vengeance models plus the least amount of new kits! Truthfully, by the time I get to my Dark Angels they will likely have a new codex, so I may have to go back to the drawing board.

      I wish I could paint faster as the Dark Angels colour scheme is my favourite of the marines by far (Aside from my GKs of course!)
