Friday, November 28, 2014

Alladin's "Step-by-Step" #1: Grey Knight Strike Squad (pt.6)

While Thursday was Thankgiving for our southern neighbours, it was just another day off for me. The result? Another productive day of painting. I managed to get the blue mid-tones completed, and I feel the momentum building to finally finishing this project. I used a new paint colour - VGC Magic Blue - and while I initially thought it was still too bright, I am happy with the result. I still need to do some selective washes for shading, and then a lighter highlight for some edging. The results are shown below.

As you can see, it's a lot more "blue" than the basecoat, but the brighter look pairs well with the white accents. The formula used is below.

Purifier Blue Mid-tone:
1 :  2   -   Magic Blue : Magic Wash

To get to this point, I used multiple thin layers, allowing each a bit of time to dry between coats. If my skills were better I would have tried some shading/blending with the darker tones, but will use washes to accomplish the bulk of that. 

Additionally, I forgot to paint the ribbed joint spaces so used this session to quickly get the one layer down. Formula below.

Joint Basecoat:
1 :  2  :  4   -   Somber Grey : Black : Magic Wash

No real comments on this, Just try not to go over your metallic bits. I will likely give them a light wash and then subtle highlights. Easy-peasy.

As the detail starts to show, some close-up shots will help showcase the different steps better, so as a bonus, I have a tighter shot of 3 marines below. On one you can see my white helm washed and highlighted, as well as my flame heraldry attempts, which need a bit more highlighting on the flame tips.

So that's it! Total painting times, and final commentary below.

The blue mid-tones took 2 hours, 30 minutes over 1 painting session.
The joint base coat took 15 minutes over 1 painting session.

Total Painting Time for Part 6: 2 hours, 45 minutes over 2 painting sessions. 

Total Painting Time to date: 32 hours, 40 minutes over 24 painting sessions.


The next step will be a series of washes to fill out the shadows and prepare for final highlights and other detail work. With the aid of my trusty blowdryer this will hopefully go very quickly. Should have time to get that done this weekend.


  1. Thanks for the zoomed in shot. It was hard to see that highlight around the shoulder emblem before. That is some nice clean work! These guys are coming along nicely!

    1. No problem, I know I need to take better photos, I just need someone to push me out of my laziness. Thanks for the encouragement, I am definitely happy with progress - did most of my washes over the weekend, and should have the rest of the shading done by week's end, plus hopefully some highlighting to show for it also! It's funny how the last 20% of the work makes up for 80% of the end result.

      Also, not sure if you saw the post previous to this one, but amidst the rambling gibberish, I did manage to put up some photos from Greece that we were talking about a week or so back - as mentioned, not quite as hobby-applicable as your texture pics, of course.
