Hive Fleet Ceryx (Tyranids)


As you can tell from my Past Work section, Tyranids were an early love of mine. This short-lived romance started (and ended) with a box of 6 termigants. Now that I am older, back in the hobby, and possessing more money than brains (but still not enough of either!) I have decided to revisit my first love of 40k.

Of course, as I write this the 6th Edition Tyranid Codex is inbound, meaning I will have more to add when I pick that up and make a list up.

My goal is to make a theme list which will hopefully revolve around a splinter hive fleet that specializes in flying/floating swarms. This means, flyrants, gargoyles, zoanthropes, and hopefully some sweet shrike/harpy models with decent rules to boot.

That said, I will likely not be able to get away with this, so will need a small ground force of some sort... I will work more on these possibilities after I have the new Codex in my hands.

2015 Update

So, about a year into my Hive Fleet experiment I have a fair amount of progress, including 2 games under my belt. All of my kits are assembled and fully fieldable, however I am still working on finalizing some bases, magnetizing some loadouts for my Monstrous Creatures, and Green Stuffing some more Brainleech Devourers into existence.

Looking at my "goal" in the introduction, I definitely could attain a Flying Circus list - it would probably be the most competitive - but cost is the limiting factor. I will slowly build up my Airborne capabilities, but will focus on fleshing out my current model count.

Tyranids will continue to be my primary "gaming" army for 2015, and likely into 2016 as I won't finish my Grey Knights to any sort of playable standard this year.

2015 should hopefully find me putting my paint scheme into use, first with some Ripper bases, then following with my swarmy bugs.

I will also pick up the following kits to round out my points level and actually add a bit more competitiveness to my lists:

1x Hive Tyrant
1x Tyrannocyte

Additionally, I am thinking of the following supplemental kits, if I get enough other stuff painted and off my to-do lists:

1x Hive Guard
1x Malenthrope
1x Exocrine
20x Gargoyles

(not necessarily in that order)

I would buy some Lictors, but am not paying $45 CDN for a Finecast model that will likely be re-done in a few years. I can proxy Warriors if I need to.


1 W - 4 L - 1 D

Work in Progress



Hive Tyrant 
(Wings, Dual TL Devourers w/ Brainleech Worms, Electroshock Grubs, Hive Commander)


Hormagaunts (x20)

Hormagaunts (x20)

(x30, x19 w/ Flesh borer, x11 w/ Devourers)

(Stinger Salvo, Crushing Claws, Electroshock Grubs)


Zoanthrope (x1)

Zoanthrope (x1)

Zoanthrope (x1)


Gargoyles (x10)

Hive Crone


(x1 Fex, Dual TL Devourers w/ Brainleech Worms)


TOTAL:            1499 points



Hive Tyrant/Swarmlord (x1) - unassembled


Termigants (x12) - unassembled

...the end (for now)


  1. I see from your recent battle report that the Hormagaunts aren't all painted. As you're still getting a feel for the army I'd recommend leaving painting the Hormagaunts till a bit later, or at least half of them. I've got about 21 I was totally convinced of their effectiveness. How many attacks they bring compared to their costly bigger cousins - Genestealers but I hardly ever use them and have often considered just removing their arms and fitting Fleshborers to make them Termigants.

    I know they're not immediately in your 2015 project list but definitely leave them until the end so you're convinced you want them and it's not wasted effort in case you want to kitbash them to their shooty brothers.

    1. Yeah, I am embarrassingly behind on any painting. Here's hoping having a project list will help with that!

      I have not been impressed with their output, although my Eldar opponent has targeted them pretty hard both games (not sure if he was just trying to give me a chance, or if he just didn't know that Gaunts - Synapse = Extreme Fail)

      I currently have zero Genestealers, but if I needed disruption units I think they would be much better.

      Either way, I may actually paint *some* Hormagaunts as my first non-ripper unit, only because I would rather iron out the kinks in my colour scheme on units that I am unlikely to field
